Empowering Third Culture students for, in, and beyond university.

Supporting the socio-emotional and cultural transitions in TCKs’ journeys.


The Third Culture Kid’s (TCK’s) transition to, in, and beyond university typically includes significant changes in routine, community, place, and culture. Intercultural Transitions equips and empowers TCK teens to process their post-high school transitions with confidence, cultural humility, and clear communication.

TCK-Teen Transition Care

Many schools don’t offer TCK-specific transition programs for TCK teens headed to university or to a gap year. We work with school leaders and counselors to ensure that students have access to TCK transition resources to equip and empower them for their post-high school life.


Cross-Sector TCK Consulting

Intercultural Transitions works with multinational corporations, diplomatic entities, international schools, and non-profit organizations to design, develop, and launch their TCK services and programs.


TCK-Teen Mentorship

TCK teens value talking with older Adult TCKs who has navigated life’s transitions before them. Intercultural Transitions connects TCK Teens to Adult TCKs who can offer informational interviews and mentorship guidance surrounding topics like community-building, career-advising, and grief-processing.

Intercultural Transitions Collaborators

Get in touch with us today!